The Biggest Scams In Life

Just 'Cause Concepts


As if life wasn’t difficult enough, there’s always the constant threat of somebody or some organization trying to get one over on you. Whether it’s an annoying fee or stupid policy, they’re always going to see how much they can get away with. The good ol’ pyramid schemers and phone scammers get all the shine, but today I wanted to highlight some of the ones that may impact your everyday lives.

Jeans on Friday — Ever worked a job that promoted this? Why is Friday the exception? If you can make an exception for this on Friday then it makes no sense why the rest of the week is any different. What’s really funny is when they try to get you to pay for it. In no situation should you be paying your employer back, especially not over some damn jeans.

Property taxes — So let me get this straight…you can purchase land, pay it off, and they still want you to pay tax on it even though it is yours? In what world does that make sense

Metered parking — I can understand this in instances…you can’t just have everyone dumping their vehicles wherever they want for extended periods of time…but parking my G? You spend money on the car, the maintenance, registration, gas etc. and you also have to pay to not use it??? Give me a break. All meters do is cause traffic congestions because people don’t want to spend 30 minutes driving around for another open or free spot.

Tuition — Europe’s got this one right.

Motivational speaker — Who decided we should care what any of these people think? You know who else can be convincing? Scammers. Tony Robbins? Scammer.

Credit — It’s a fake number that determines “financial responsibility.” Being forced to gain debt just to prove you can get out of it essentially. But don’t go over a certain percentage. Or don’t open up too many accounts. Whatever.

Toll roads — Hey, do you want to get somewhere quicker and on safer roads? But wait, there’s a catch…

Mattress companies — There’s no way to justify how many mattress stores there are on a given block. How often do you buy a new bed?

HOA fees — Policies I understand. You don’t want someone in the neighborhood to mess up the value of your home. But paying for it??

Professionalism — You know damn well none of us speak like the way we are supposed to in our work emails.

Ice at restaurants — The drink is already cold. You’re getting charged for 75% of the cup being full of ice.

Valentines Day — It’s a made up holiday by card companies to rake in the money. And best of all if you don’t participate you’ll end up in the doghouse. Well played Hallmark, well played.

iPhones — They’re pretty reliable until it’s time for the new one to come out and for no coincidence whatsoever they start glitching.

5 Day work week — The notion that this was necessary was an idea from Henry Ford. His family owns the Detroit Lions and they’re maybe the worst professional sports team in the history of North American sports. Sounds like karma.

NFTs — Big scammer energy.

